Whether you’re a Blue Devil or attend another high school, the last thing you want to think about is pregnancy. High school should be filled with classes, sports, and dances.
But sometimes, the unthinkable happens. Take a deep breath—it’s going to be okay. There is help available. Reach out to The Center for Women.
First, Have You Verified Your Pregnancy?
A late period and a positive pregnancy test may not be enough to determine if you are actually pregnant. Experts estimate as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage, and 80% of those occur in the first 12 weeks.
Because it takes a woman’s body time to return to pre-pregnancy hormone levels, you could get a positive pregnancy test and no longer be pregnant. How do you know for sure? Get an ultrasound exam.
The Center for Women offers free and confidential limited obstetrical ultrasounds. An ultrasound detects if your pregnancy is growing or if you’ve miscarried. It can also determine how far along you are and protect your health by identifying the pregnancy’s location.
Is It Possible to Have a Teenage Pregnancy?
Anything is possible. You’ve likely heard of the shows Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant. The situations are as different as the people. Each woman’s success or failure depends on the support she has around her. At The Center for Women, we believe an unplanned pregnancy doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
We provide the free resources you need. For instance, you can take free classes on prenatal care and childbirth. We’ll support you along the way.
You Have Options
You have three options for your pregnancy: having an abortion, making an adoption plan, or choosing to parent.
Although The Center for Women does not perform or refer for abortion, we can give you factual information about the various procedures and potential risks. Having an abortion is a major medical decision. You are required to have consent from at least one parent or guardian before you can get an abortion in North Carolina.
If you’re considering using the abortion pill method, be sure you know exactly how far along you are in your pregnancy. The FDA approves using these drugs through 10 weeks of gestation only. The farther along you are in your pregnancy, the less effective the drugs are.
Making an adoption plan today is very different from how it used to be. Now, a woman can plan her child’s future by choosing the adoptive parents who raise them. Adoption is a difficult choice to make, but if you are not ready to parent, it could be a solution.
Depending on the type of adoption plan you choose, it’s possible to stay in touch with your child and their adoptive family throughout their life. We cannot place your child for adoption, but we can give you referrals to reputable, licensed adoption agencies who can counsel you to see if adoption is the best choice.
Being a parent may seem impossible, but many resources are available to assist you. In addition to free parenting classes, we offer practical support like diapers, wipes, baby clothes, furniture, and equipment. Complete a class, and you can receive items for free.
We can also assist you with referrals for housing, medical care, government assistance programs, and career consultations. If you choose to parent, talk with us about the many opportunities available. We are here to provide the support system you need
Schedule an Appointment
If you or someone you know becomes pregnant during high school and wonders what to do first, come to The Center for Women. Fill out our online form or call (828) 885-7885 to schedule a free and confidential appointment. We’re here for you!
All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.