Hope starts here.
An unplanned pregnancy produces anxiety and even fear. Who do you tell? What will others think? How are you going to handle this? We understand your concern and can provide you with answers. Take advantage of our free and confidential pregnancy services like pregnancy testing, limited ultrasound, and options consultations. Get the help and solutions you need. We are here to assist you.
Pregnancy Testing
Even if you have taken a home pregnancy test, it's essential to get a second test. Results can vary based on the sensitivity of the test, when you take it, and if you followed the directions carefully. We offer free medical-grade pregnancy testing administered by a medical professional.
Limited Ultrasound
Believe it or not, pregnancy symptoms and a positive pregnancy test sometimes aren't enough to determine if you are actually pregnant. An ultrasound confirms whether you have a growing pregnancy, how far along you are, and your pregnancy's location. Don't skip this vital step.
Material Resources
We have a wealth of material resources and referrals to assist you if you choose to parent. Plus, women who place their child for adoption receive help with living, medical, and legal expenses. Let us show you how to get the specific help you need.
Support & Education
Whether you are wanting to understand more about your pregnancy, interested in parenting skills, or looking for personal growth, The Center for Women has classes to fit your needs. All of our services are offered free of charge. We want you to be successful no matter what your future holds.
Abortion Info
If you're considering an abortion for your unplanned pregnancy, be sure you understand the different procedures, the side effects you can expect, and potential risks first. Our trained peer advocates can give you the factual information you need to make an informed decision.
Services from People You can Trust.