It can be difficult to feel the weight of an unplanned pregnancy. How are you supposed to support your partner right now? How do you receive support yourself? You are not alone.
As a man, you have a major role in an unplanned pregnancy, where your input and support matter to your partner more than you know.
Take Time to Process
Before starting a major conversation with your partner, it’s important to process the news yourself. You may feel anxious, fearful, overwhelmed, or excited about what’s to come. Give yourself time and space to process the news fully.
Maybe your situation is complicated, and your partner doesn’t want you involved in the pregnancy. Talk to a mentor, parent, or friend about your situation and any questions or concerns. Give your partner a little space and time, and then see if she is open to a conversation.
Support Your Partner
If you and your partner have a good relationship, speak with her and see how she is feeling, what she needs, and how you can help during this difficult time. One of the best ways to support her right now is to simply listen.
You and your partner may be experiencing similar emotions. Do your best to read her when she needs space, more quality time, and encouragement. Show up for her when needed and offer her your full attention.
Get Pregnancy Support
Before making a pregnancy decision, be sure your partner receives pregnancy confirmation to safeguard her health and confirm her pregnancy options.
At The Center for Women, we offer free and confidential pregnancy services and support so you can get answers. You can receive free pregnancy testing and may be eligible for a limited ultrasound.
We offer education on all pregnancy options so you and your partner can make an informed decision for your future.
You do not have to walk this path alone. Contact us to schedule an appointment for free and confidential pregnancy services and an options consultation. We are here for you.