Depending on your family, sharing your heart can either be a meaningful experience or incredibly overwhelming. When facing something as serious as an unplanned pregnancy and the possibility of abortion, it can be challenging to know where to begin the discussion.
If you have already told them you are pregnant, they have most likely already shared their opinions. Make sure you have the facts about your options so you’re prepared to answer their questions.
Have You Researched Abortion?
Do you feel your only option is abortion, or is someone else pressuring you to have one? An abortion is a serious medical decision with the potential for physical and emotional consequences.
Although we do not perform or refer for abortion, we can give you factual information about procedures, the side effects to expect, and potential risks. Knowing how far along you are in your pregnancy is essential. The FDA approves the use of abortion drugs (the abortion pill method) through 10 weeks of pregnancy only.
The farther along you are, the less effective the abortion drugs are. You run the risk of having an incomplete abortion, which could lead to an infection.
You Have Other Options
Your other options for your pregnancy are to make an adoption plan or parent. Although your pregnancy was unplanned, it isn’t impossible to parent. There are many wonderful community resources to assist you, and we provide parenting education and material support.
If you don’t feel you are ready to parent, consider placing your child for adoption. Choosing adoption is a difficult emotional decision, but it means you and your family can build a relationship with your child and their adoptive family.
As the expectant mother, you receive all adoption services, including medical and legal expenses, free of charge. You can select the adoptive parents and determine the amount of contact you want to have as your child grows.
Starting the Conversation With Your Family
Sharing your heart with anyone makes you vulnerable. We understand why you might be hesitant.
Select a time when your family can listen to you without distractions. You deserve to be heard. Be honest and direct, and help them understand all your options. You may be surprised by the support your family offers if you choose to parent or make an adoption plan.
The Center for Women team cares about your physical and emotional health. We’re here if you need more information or someone to talk with before speaking to your family.
If you need to confirm your pregnancy, schedule an appointment at The Center for Women for a free medical-grade pregnancy test. We’ll provide a free limited obstetrical ultrasound if your test is positive.
An ultrasound determines how far along you are, the location of your pregnancy, and if your pregnancy is growing. Don’t skip this essential step.
Schedule an appointment online or call (828) 885-7885. You are never alone with The Center for Women by your side.
All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.