My partner is pressuring me to have an abortion but I’m not sure

Having an abortion is a major physical and emotional medical decision. No one should pressure you to choose this option. In fact, one study by the Task Force on Mental Health and Abortion (TFMHA) concluded that feeling pressured to abort resulted in greater mental health problems.

How can you be confident abortion is the answer for your unplanned pregnancy? Talk with us to learn more.

Why Is Your Partner Pressuring You?

There could be many reasons your partner is pressuring you. Often, pressure comes because of one of the following reasons:

  • He doesn’t want the financial responsibility
  • He has no interest in being a father
  • Parents, friends, or others are pressuring him
  • Your relationship has ended
  • The two of you already have other children

If your partner is physically harming you, you must contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233. No one has the right to pressure you physically or emotionally to make a decision you do not want to make.

What Are Your Choices?

Abortion is one of your options for your unplanned pregnancy, but you have others. If your partner is not interested in parenting and you also feel incapable of being a parent at this time, you may want to consider making an adoption plan.

Adoption is a hard decision, but with thorough adoption education, you will know if it is the right choice for you. Once again, no one should coerce or pressure you to choose this option.

Some of the benefits of placing your child for adoption include:

  • Adoption services are free for you
  • You receive all medical care and legal representation at no cost
  • In North Carolina, the adoption agency may cover other pregnancy-related expenses, such as rent, food, maternity clothing, utilities, etc.
  • You choose the potential adoptive parents
  • You select the type of adoption plan
  • By choosing an open or semi-open adoption, you can continue to have contact with your child and their adoptive family

Another option is to look closely at the many services offered to help you parent your child. Even if your partner is not open to parenting, you still have this option.

There are many resources available to women who choose to parent. We can provide information about material resources and referrals for community assistance.

In addition, we offer educational opportunities to help you learn about fetal development, pregnancy, and parenting at different stages.

If you choose to parent, we can assist you with the following:

  • Housing
  • Medical Care
  • Government Assistance Programs
  • Peer Consultations
  • Educational and Career Consultations
  • Childbirth Classes
  • Parent Support Groups

What is My Next Step?

We encourage you to fill out our confidential online contact form. Although we do not provide or refer for abortion, we can give you factual information about abortion procedures, side effects, and potential risks.

The Center for Women does not handle adoptions. Our peer advocates can provide referrals to reputable adoption agencies. If you would like to learn more about the parenting option, we can also talk about that.

You deserve to make your own decisions. Don’t let anyone pressure you to make a decision you are unsure about.