It’s easy to hide a pregnancy physically in the early weeks and months. However, pregnancy symptoms like nausea, fatigue, and the need to visit the bathroom more than usual are harder to hide.
The bigger question could be, “Why do you want or need to hide your pregnancy?” Please visit us to discuss your situation so we can find out how we can help you. No one should feel ashamed, embarrassed, or frightened because of their pregnancy.
What Are Your Reasons for Hiding?
If you are afraid of someone’s reaction because you are pregnant, know that help is available. You deserve respect, no matter your situation. If someone is abusive, we encourage you to call 9-1-1 or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-SAFE (7233).
Visit The Center for Women, and we will see you get the protection you deserve. Research indicates that abuse often increases when a partner discovers a pregnancy. If you need safe housing, we can assist you with referrals to maternity housing in our area.
Don’t live in fear. Call (828) 885-7885 and speak to one of our caring team members now.
Are you wanting to hide your pregnancy because you are embarrassed or ashamed? We understand. An unplanned pregnancy can be a shock not only for you but for those around you, too. You may worry about how your parents, friends, or partner react.
We can help you figure out how to break the news to them, or you can invite them to The Center for Women, and we will talk with them.
You Have Three Options
If you’re feeling the need to hide your pregnancy, abortion may seem like your only option. However, you have three options for your pregnancy: abortion, making an adoption plan, or parenting.
Knowing about the various procedures, possible side effects, and potential physical and emotional risks of abortion is essential. Set up a free, confidential appointment with one of our client advocates to review abortion information.
Although we do not perform or refer for abortion, we will provide medically based, factual information that can help you decide if it’s right for you.
Parenting or placing your child for adoption requires you to carry your pregnancy to full term, which will be hard to hide. However, if you choose to continue your pregnancy, there are many community resources to assist you.
We can provide referrals for housing, medical care, and government assistance programs. The Center for Women offers parenting education, peer consultations, material support for you and your baby, and parenting support groups.
We can not place your child for adoption but can offer referrals to reputable, licensed adoption agencies. You pay nothing to place your child for adoption, and many of your pregnancy-related expenses are taken care of through the agency.
Don’t Hide. Give Us a Call Today!
Schedule your free, confidential appointment with us today. We can discuss your situation, and you can learn about your options. We are here for you no matter what you decide.